Saturday, March 28, 2009

Damn those Corporartions

Posted by The Obamination @ 1:12 AM Sat, Mar 28, 2009

The Corporartions REALLY SUCKERED the Empty Suit, Empty-Headed Special Olympics President Obama....didn't they? Obama is too stupid to lead our country. Somebody better talk some sense to Obama before he gives everything away to all the people and corporations that are smarter than him....which, to date, is EVERYBODY!!! Who are the Airheads that actually voted for the EMPTY SUIT? Suckers!

Copied from Dallas Morning News opinion page.

An asshole with the clever screen name "The Obamination" contributed this gem of wisdom in reaction to a letter criticizing IBM for relocating five thousand jobs to India despite fourth quarter earnings of 4.42 billion dollars. Somehow, in the sick world this useless fuck lives in, an observation by a citizen about IBM's decision can trigger another predictable attack on Obama. The irony of this pathetic loser claiming anyone else is stupid is mind-boggling.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stop the presses. Trivia update at six.

Eventually, Obama will commit a blunder so serious that I'll have a hard time thinking of reasons to defend him. As things currently stand, he's leading the nation through relatively uncharted waters, and is catching a lot of hell for it. Fortunately, the people barking loudest at his heels are shitwads who have zero credibility as serious critics since they sat around grinning and congratulating each other while Bush, Cheney, and Rove turned the country into a stinkhole. I can easily ignore 99.9 percent of the noise they're making.

As for the press, they're basically worthless and have been for at least a decade. They were willing accomplices for the first six years of the Bush 43 tragedy, finally turning on him after a significant majority of the people already had. Now the media are constantly questioning and belittling Obama on the basis of mindless bullshit like his appearance on Jay Leno's show and his use of teleprompters. Criticism based on trivia is easier to ignore than criticism from conservative assholes.

Maybe in a few months, or a few years, I'll feel some direct pain from the policies of Obama's administration. When I do, I'll be barking as loudly as anybody else. Until then, I'm just along for the ride.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What you get when I get sleepy...

Random thoughts before I shut down for the evening:

There's a whole realm of insanity in this country I wouldn't know anything about if there was no internet. Sometimes I think I might be better off not knowing.

Free Republic, Fox News, and AM talk radio. The downside of freedom of speech.

When Republicans say that large financial and commercial institutions should be "allowed to fail," the first thing that crosses my mind is the old expression, "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

I don't know much about her but Meghan McCain, Ace's daughter, strikes me as someone rare: a Republican woman I might actually like a little bit. The woman who put her down with the "plus size" remark, Laura Ingraham, is only one tiny notch above Coulter on the skankiness scale. As a rule, the concept of attractive, interesting women and the concept of conservative women just won't mesh to form attractive, interesting conservative women. Where do the Republicans find those mutts ?

There are elected Republicans who seem to be edging near the line of advocating armed rebellion against the government. If they cross the line, can they be arrested for treason or something ?

A rumor is floating around the internet that El Rushbo is back on drugs. Please... let it be true. Probably no such luck, but getting passed around a cellblock after midnight would be an instructive experience for that scumbucket.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday, summing up

Here's how I'll sum up my frame of mind after scanning the editorial pages at the online newspaper websites: The Democrats have a bunch of bad ideas. The Republicans don't have any ideas except the same ones they've pushed since the 1980s: cutting corporate and capital gains taxes, privatization, and federal deregulation. Obama may end up being an above-average president, but he's getting off to an extremely slow start. Finally, if eight years of Bush/Cheney/Rove didn't totally destroy the country, I doubt Obama will.

Friday, March 20, 2009

One promise kept

The president screws up royally, accepts the blame, and apologizes to the nation. Obama promised change and, thus far, delivers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where they went wrong

Posted by els 13 hours ago

In my opinion it's the GOP itself that caused its big losses in 2008 by not sticking by President Bush. The GOP and its representatives, led by President Bush's poor approval ratings, didn't have the guts to support the President's wise policies. They wavered and lost congress and the presidency.

Copied from Dallas Morning News, March 19th, 2009

This is an example of the kind of analytical thinking I enjoy seeing on newspaper comment boards. I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The people "speak"

Spare us, Mr. Simmons. Wing nuts will whine and cry like toddlers no matter what Obama does. When he doesn't provide information it is "What is he hiding?" When he does it is "Shouldn't he be working?" What Obama really should do is stop listening to the Republicans who got us into this mess in the first place. You can't find a bipartisan consensus with a party whose leadership wants the country to fail.

Comment by "John" at Austin American Statesman opinion page, March 18th

The statement above was copied from a comment board at the Statesman website, in reponse to a letter by Ken Simmons complaining that Obama wasn't keeping all of his campaign promises and was making too many public appearances. I posted this for my own use, to remind me there are still perceptive Texans who'll even add comments on message boards now and then.

Unfortunately, people like "John" are a minority on the websites I view regularly (Houston, Dallas, and Austin), each of which has six or seven yahoos and dipshits pounding out the same drivel they absorb from AM radio, day after day after day. I can ignore them automatically based strictly on screen names. Many times, the longest comments will be the most illiterate. I've cut back on lurking because it takes so much time to scroll through their horseshit trying to find anything I can agree with. Sometimes I'll stumble upon an entry so mind-numbingly stupid and poorly written that I'll quote and ridicule it on my own blogs, which is one reason I'm lurking in the first place. But overexposure to reader comments, like listening to too much AM talk radio, can be a mental health hazard.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lost causes (Monday edition)

The quote of the day comes from Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, the chinless wonder from Kentucky, regarding the Obama administration: "They're taking advantage of a crisis to do things that had nothing to do with getting us into the crisis in the first place."

Mitch and the rest of the Republicans who were strutting around like lords a few years ago forgot the one crucial truth of American politics: The pendulum never stops swinging. The question is never whether the pendulum will swing back, only how long it will take. Politicians would do well to remember that payback is always hell, and it's always coming. Eventually, the shoe will always be on the other foot, as they say.

Another indication that Republicans are a lost cause is their insistence that people stop talking about W's responsibility for the current predicament. This coming from a tribe of losers who are STILL blaming Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) and Bill Clinton (1993-2001) for every single thing that's wrong today. I wonder if those people ever stop to think about how ridiculous they look. Probably not.

Added 7:44 pm, same day: This afternoon I drove to Walmart to buy new wiper blades for my car, and listened to about two minutes of Hannity's radio show. Some opinion poll (didn't catch the name) is showing Obama's job approval has slipped a few percentage points. This information made Hannjob happier than a pig wallowing in shit. Repubs these days will take any good news they can get.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th odds and ends

I noticed an interesting item in the Austin paper (online) this morning, concerning areas in which the state of Texas ranks fiftieth (last) in the USA. Here's a hint: Some of them have to do with adult education levels and environmental pollution.

If you follow the news, it looks like the world is coming to an end. Still, that doesn't stop the people who run this state from wasting time and effort on incredible bullshit like voter ID laws. Until someone can produce evidence that voting fraud is a serious problem, just leave it the fuck alone. Personally, I think Republicans can see their status as the majority party slipping away, and will do whatever they can to suppress minority voting. They're just postponing the inevitable.

When it was necessary to finance conservative Republican agenda priorities, deficit spending was no big problem. Suddenly, the idea of spending money we don't have has become comparable to releasing hellfire upon the land. No wonder I get whiplash trying to keep up.

Michael Steele is chairman of the RNC and a black man. He's the guy who had to bow and scrape before The Maharushi after his ill-considered remark that Limbaugh was a mere entertainer, and ugly at that. Now Mike has made remarks that imply he's pro-choice on abortion. Does this guy have a death wish or what ? Countdown on him is underway.

While I was checking out some of the usual political blogs, I came across the expression "going Galt." My curiosity aroused, I learned the term refers to an idea in the Ayn Rand novel Atlas Shrugged, and in current use describes a result in which all the high-achieving white-collar professionals decide they'll quit producing since it ain't worth the effort. Among hardcore rightwingers on the internet the thinking is that Obama and the Democratic agenda will force this consequence. To some degree I heard all this happy horseshit before, back in the early 90s, when it was Clinton's tax increases on rich people that would cause them to be "dis-incentived" and lead to economic collapse. Now, of course, the same conservative morons are claiming the current conditions are Clinton's fault. The guy can't catch a break.

My observation has been that people who spend 500 bucks on their shirts and a thousand on their shoes and drive fine luxury automobiles get used to it, and decide there's no such fucking thing as too much money, or even enough. Expecting them to give up their neat executive jobs to work as greeters at Walmart or as counter help at McDonald's over a few thousand dollars in higher taxes ? Forget about it.

But just to test the theory, I'd like to see confiscatory tax rates applied to the incomes of conservative AM radio talk show hosts and professional baseball players.

How did I miss this breaking news ? Bristol Palin and Levi broke up, so their baby won't have a daddy after all ? Don't misunderstand me: I don't give a shit one way or another, but there must be thousands of conservative do-gooders having a tough time swallowing this. Maybe millions.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Welfare and pork

Something I learned while working in the public welfare bureaucracy was that the people complaining most loudly about welfare were often those whose applications were denied. In a similar sense, I think most people define "pork" as a legislative appropriation which benefits someone they don't like. Show me an elected representative who can't get money appropriated for his or her district, and I'll show you an elected representative who won't be around long.

Two things are certain: Americans will always get the government they deserve, and roughly half of the voters will be pissed off about something at any given moment.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jabba demands subservience !

The more I look at this picture, the more I think that big cigars are some type of phallic symbol to El Rushbo...

The most entertaining thing happening in politics these days is the heated discussion over Rush Limbaugh's emerging control of the Republican Party. It's a sign of the depths to which the party has sunk that its leader is an obese AM radio talk show host with a history of drug problems and failed marriages. In reality the three most recognizable Republicans these days are The Lardass, Sarah Palin, and Joe the Plumber. These are the GOP icons and still, Republicans want to be taken seriously.

The latest amazing development involves Michael Steele, the chairman of the RNC, who recently went on a CNN television show and told the interviewer that Lardass is only an entertainer. Now, it's debatable whether the stuff Limbo does is entertaining; there are several other words I'd choose to characterize it. The point is that Steele has now been forced to join the line of Republican party officials waiting to grovel before and apologize to He Who Shall Not Be Questioned. To be above criticism among Republicans... now that's some serious power.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.