Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The people "speak"

Spare us, Mr. Simmons. Wing nuts will whine and cry like toddlers no matter what Obama does. When he doesn't provide information it is "What is he hiding?" When he does it is "Shouldn't he be working?" What Obama really should do is stop listening to the Republicans who got us into this mess in the first place. You can't find a bipartisan consensus with a party whose leadership wants the country to fail.

Comment by "John" at Austin American Statesman opinion page, March 18th

The statement above was copied from a comment board at the Statesman website, in reponse to a letter by Ken Simmons complaining that Obama wasn't keeping all of his campaign promises and was making too many public appearances. I posted this for my own use, to remind me there are still perceptive Texans who'll even add comments on message boards now and then.

Unfortunately, people like "John" are a minority on the websites I view regularly (Houston, Dallas, and Austin), each of which has six or seven yahoos and dipshits pounding out the same drivel they absorb from AM radio, day after day after day. I can ignore them automatically based strictly on screen names. Many times, the longest comments will be the most illiterate. I've cut back on lurking because it takes so much time to scroll through their horseshit trying to find anything I can agree with. Sometimes I'll stumble upon an entry so mind-numbingly stupid and poorly written that I'll quote and ridicule it on my own blogs, which is one reason I'm lurking in the first place. But overexposure to reader comments, like listening to too much AM talk radio, can be a mental health hazard.

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Summer walks in Texas

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My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.