Monday, March 16, 2009

Lost causes (Monday edition)

The quote of the day comes from Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, the chinless wonder from Kentucky, regarding the Obama administration: "They're taking advantage of a crisis to do things that had nothing to do with getting us into the crisis in the first place."

Mitch and the rest of the Republicans who were strutting around like lords a few years ago forgot the one crucial truth of American politics: The pendulum never stops swinging. The question is never whether the pendulum will swing back, only how long it will take. Politicians would do well to remember that payback is always hell, and it's always coming. Eventually, the shoe will always be on the other foot, as they say.

Another indication that Republicans are a lost cause is their insistence that people stop talking about W's responsibility for the current predicament. This coming from a tribe of losers who are STILL blaming Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) and Bill Clinton (1993-2001) for every single thing that's wrong today. I wonder if those people ever stop to think about how ridiculous they look. Probably not.

Added 7:44 pm, same day: This afternoon I drove to Walmart to buy new wiper blades for my car, and listened to about two minutes of Hannity's radio show. Some opinion poll (didn't catch the name) is showing Obama's job approval has slipped a few percentage points. This information made Hannjob happier than a pig wallowing in shit. Repubs these days will take any good news they can get.

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