Saturday, March 28, 2009

Damn those Corporartions

Posted by The Obamination @ 1:12 AM Sat, Mar 28, 2009

The Corporartions REALLY SUCKERED the Empty Suit, Empty-Headed Special Olympics President Obama....didn't they? Obama is too stupid to lead our country. Somebody better talk some sense to Obama before he gives everything away to all the people and corporations that are smarter than him....which, to date, is EVERYBODY!!! Who are the Airheads that actually voted for the EMPTY SUIT? Suckers!

Copied from Dallas Morning News opinion page.

An asshole with the clever screen name "The Obamination" contributed this gem of wisdom in reaction to a letter criticizing IBM for relocating five thousand jobs to India despite fourth quarter earnings of 4.42 billion dollars. Somehow, in the sick world this useless fuck lives in, an observation by a citizen about IBM's decision can trigger another predictable attack on Obama. The irony of this pathetic loser claiming anyone else is stupid is mind-boggling.

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