Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stop the presses. Trivia update at six.

Eventually, Obama will commit a blunder so serious that I'll have a hard time thinking of reasons to defend him. As things currently stand, he's leading the nation through relatively uncharted waters, and is catching a lot of hell for it. Fortunately, the people barking loudest at his heels are shitwads who have zero credibility as serious critics since they sat around grinning and congratulating each other while Bush, Cheney, and Rove turned the country into a stinkhole. I can easily ignore 99.9 percent of the noise they're making.

As for the press, they're basically worthless and have been for at least a decade. They were willing accomplices for the first six years of the Bush 43 tragedy, finally turning on him after a significant majority of the people already had. Now the media are constantly questioning and belittling Obama on the basis of mindless bullshit like his appearance on Jay Leno's show and his use of teleprompters. Criticism based on trivia is easier to ignore than criticism from conservative assholes.

Maybe in a few months, or a few years, I'll feel some direct pain from the policies of Obama's administration. When I do, I'll be barking as loudly as anybody else. Until then, I'm just along for the ride.

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