The more I look at this picture, the more I think that big cigars are some type of phallic symbol to El Rushbo...
The most entertaining thing happening in politics these days is the heated discussion over Rush Limbaugh's emerging control of the Republican Party. It's a sign of the depths to which the party has sunk that its leader is an obese AM radio talk show host with a history of drug problems and failed marriages. In reality the three most recognizable Republicans these days are The Lardass, Sarah Palin, and Joe the Plumber. These are the GOP icons and still, Republicans want to be taken seriously.
The latest amazing development involves Michael Steele, the chairman of the RNC, who recently went on a CNN television show and told the interviewer that Lardass is only an entertainer. Now, it's debatable whether the stuff Limbo does is entertaining; there are several other words I'd choose to characterize it. The point is that Steele has now been forced to join the line of Republican party officials waiting to grovel before and apologize to He Who Shall Not Be Questioned. To be above criticism among Republicans... now that's some serious power.
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