Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What you get when I get sleepy...

Random thoughts before I shut down for the evening:

There's a whole realm of insanity in this country I wouldn't know anything about if there was no internet. Sometimes I think I might be better off not knowing.

Free Republic, Fox News, and AM talk radio. The downside of freedom of speech.

When Republicans say that large financial and commercial institutions should be "allowed to fail," the first thing that crosses my mind is the old expression, "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

I don't know much about her but Meghan McCain, Ace's daughter, strikes me as someone rare: a Republican woman I might actually like a little bit. The woman who put her down with the "plus size" remark, Laura Ingraham, is only one tiny notch above Coulter on the skankiness scale. As a rule, the concept of attractive, interesting women and the concept of conservative women just won't mesh to form attractive, interesting conservative women. Where do the Republicans find those mutts ?

There are elected Republicans who seem to be edging near the line of advocating armed rebellion against the government. If they cross the line, can they be arrested for treason or something ?

A rumor is floating around the internet that El Rushbo is back on drugs. Please... let it be true. Probably no such luck, but getting passed around a cellblock after midnight would be an instructive experience for that scumbucket.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.