Monday, July 13, 2020

Q Notes, Day 120

From WP newsletter: The premature reopening may cause the economy to stall and remain in a prolonged slump. Remember those great things Shunk promised? From the WP article:
“I created the greatest economy we’ve ever had. And now we’re creating it again,” he (Trump) said before leaving for Florida.
If there's anything left of American society after we're finally rid of this malignant tumor, it should be scored as some kind of miracle. It's like Putin told Shunk, "Look, you're finished, so create as much wreckage as you can before next January, and we'll call it even."

Rafael (Ted) Cruz is another worthless (R) who believes none of the rules apply to him.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is decent, honest, intelligent, and competent. Of course there's no place for him in the Great Covfefe Cesspool. To fit in, he'd need to be ignorant, corrupt and totally incompetent. What's amazing is that he's lasted this long, being roughly three times as popular as Covfefe himself. That's the ultimate disservice these days.

The worst of the worst (R) assholes, ones like Jim Jordan, don't care that Covfefe is almost blatantly working for the Russian government. They care that the investigation of this criminal activity began during the Obama administration.

Not that we needed any, but there's more proof that ultimately, Covfefe sees being the so-called precedent (sic) as starring in a mediocre TV reality show that's on the air around the clock, seven days a week. All that matters are the ratings, so keep those eyeballs glued to the screens.

What are the pros and cons of expanding the electoral battlefield to include more pink states? This is one of those things that makes me nervous.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

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The less you know, the happier we'll both be.