Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Public Opinions

Based on various opinion polls released lately, it seems like about 50 percent of American voters are satisfied that Donnie Phugtupp is a candidate for impeachment because he's committed a crime, or is a Russian asset, or both.

On the flip side, roughly 30 percent of voters will never believe Donnie has ever done anything wrong, or don't care if he did because he's chosen by god.

That leaves roughly 20 percent who don't want to believe any American president could be guilty of all the things Donnie's done, but aren't ruling out the possibility. This group can probably be persuaded by the findings of Robert Mueller's investigation.

Update 10:44 AM Wednesday: The latest Donnie weirdness is a clue that he's totally concentrating on his 30 percenters now. He's stopped trying to win back the 70 percent.

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