Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thanks, Russia. Thanks a lot.

Wilbur Ross makes America great again. These fucking people need to be secured with duct tape and rolled out of their offices on hand trucks, then loaded into cargo planes and flown to Russia to live in permanent exile. The names on the P.E. Shit List should include Donnie and Pence, all the Cabinet Secretaries, and every Republican in Congress (for starters).

Why Russia? Because Russia is the only place on earth they'll be welcome, even embraced as comrades. Donnie and his rotten followers will fit right in when they get to Moscow.

Added 9:23 PM: It isn't my original idea, but the best thing I saw on the Internet today was this: People who wear those red MAGA caps in public should be treated the same as if they were wearing red armbands with the swastika on them. 

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