Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another W ?

I didn't watch any of the GOP debate on TV last night since I have enough clusterfucks to cope with in my life already. The online commentary today indicates that it was a Mittens vs Perrito Show, with Newter, Pizza Guy, Ron Crawl, the other Rick (Santorum), and has-been Michele Bachmann just taking up space. Without having seen any of the exchanges and relying strictly on post-event analysis, it seems like Perry shares some of George W. Bush's worst tendencies. I hope that as the campaign progresses voters will see the same things I'm seeing and realize Perrito would be another W, only worse.

Perrito is sticking to his "Ponzi scheme" position on Social Security -- just like W stuck to every bad decision he ever made (at least until the wheels came off circa 2006). Refusing to change your mind is considered to be a strength in the subculture of Texan masculinity, so Perry will probably stand behind every piss-ignorant political statement he's ever made. With luck, that'll be enough to keep him from gathering momentum with independent voters and send him into a death spiral in the general election.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.