Saturday, October 30, 2010


The people who make election predictions in the media have convinced me Republicans will regain control of the U.S. House next year, and might accomplish something like a 51-49 Senate majority if every single race breaks their way. If the predictions are accurate, the next congress will strongly resemble the ones that were in session from 1995 to 2007, when the Republicans owned the House and did no worse than a tie in the Senate (2001-2003).

According to what I'm reading, the latest version of the Republican contract on America is an ambiguous load of horse manure that promises tax cuts, massive deregulation of corporate America and financial institutions, and budget cuts that will amount to a tiny percentage of overall federal expenditures. In other words, their new plan strongly resembles every GOP plan since the one they brought with them in 1995. A few Republicans are already promising to begin investigations of the Obama adminstration, which resembles the GOP promises in 1994 to investigate Clinton's involvement in Whitewater and other scandals.

Looks like if you loved what was happening in congress 1995-2007, you'll be tickled pink 2011-2013. Something tells me a lot of people who joined the Tea-dious Party movement because the idea of that N in the White House made them crazy are in for a rude awakening and a reality check over the next 24 months or so.

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