Thursday, April 2, 2009

The future according to jack

Posted by jack @ 9:35 AM Thu, Apr 02, 2009

Obam bam is also closing the Corvette factory. First bam! Wagoner is gone. Next bam! the Corvette factory is gone. Then bam! all illegals will be given amnesty. Then bam! our money is worthless. Then bam! mexican drug cartels take over Texas, and the other southern states and finally BAM osama bin laden becomes president.Change you don't want to happen, but will anyway because you idley sit by and watch because you can't believe it's happening. Alot of people in the late 30s and early 40s did the same thing. Caution: this statement may be to far over your head to understand

From the Dallas Morning News opinion page

Today's exercise in conservative intellectualism and masterful prose, provided for your amusement without commercial interruption. A view of the future that may be to (sic) far over our heads to understand ? Maybe, but I understand that Texas has more than its share of idiots.

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