Sunday, April 5, 2009

K. Parker and I agree

Kathleen Parker: Dumbed down by infomania

It isn't only Too Much Information, but the pitch and tenor of delivery that have us in a persistent state of psychic frenzy. From cable news to microblogs to the latest – Fox Nation – life's background music has become one prolonged car alarm.

The link leads to a column by Kathleen Parker. Generally, Parker and I are on opposite sides where political matters are concerned. Sometimes she'll surprise me, though -- as in her columns last year criticizing Trig's mom. All in all, she's one of a small number of conservatives I can tolerate in limited doses.

In the column, she writes about the corrosive effects of the information overload we're currently experiencing. I tend to agree with her point, and am finding that I need regular opportunities to cool down. After reading page after page of evangelunical tirades on the two "Big E" issues (Embryonic stem cells and Evolution), I realize I definitely need a break.

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My photo
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