Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Search me

I should've studied my textbook at night and done my homework when I took economics in college. If I had, I could decide how I want to see the economic stimulus legislation resolved. As it stands, there are credible sources saying we need it and others saying we don't. Some saying the bills before Congress are good, others saying they aren't. Being ignorant, I'm forced to rummage through the conflicting opinions to come up with one of my own.

Here are a few things I'm pretty sure about:

First of all, most of the people running their mouths about the solutions probably don't know any more than I do, but for some reason won't admit their ignorance.

Second, anything the Republicans come up with with is almost certainly wrong, wrong, wrong. That crowd isn't afraid the stimulus package will fail -- they're afraid it will succeed. Limbaugh, the stain in America's underwear, speaks the words all other Repubs are too chickenshit to utter. Anyway, the Repubs had most of a decade to keep the country peaceful and prosperous and weren't up to the task. They can take their proposals and stick 'em where the sun never shines. I reject any Republican proposal categorically.

Third, the Democrats could do a lot better themselves. Loading any stimulus bill down with stuff that even remotely resembles pork barrel spending is at best poor public relations and at worst, criminally stupid. When you already have Rod Blagojevich and Tim Geithner in the news, there's no margin for any additional Dem stupidity.

One school of thought is that, left to its own devices, the economy will eventually straighten itself out. The problem is that I hear this contention mostly from conservatives, and I've already decided they can't be trusted. It would be nice if they were right at least once, though. If none of the suggested solutions are worthwhile, maybe doing nothing would be best.

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