Sunday, September 14, 2008

Parallels and BSRs

After spending most of Saturday watching college football and Ike updates on the tube, I've been scanning the blogosphere today for political news. One thing is becoming more clear by the hour, and that's the incredible similarity between W and Spaylin. The point that drove this home like a bullet right between my eyes was an item I read discussing how the neoconservatives plan to hitch their wagon to Spaylin's star. Apparently they see her as the same kind of blank slate W was in 2001, and expect to manipulate her the way they did W.

I don't have the time or inclination to write about every parallel between Spaylin and Jorge. Selecting one at random, they're both prone to cronyism, putting friends in positions of authority based on their loyalty rather than qualifications or competence. And Spaylin's already trying to use executive privilege claims to cover up stuff she doesn't want anyone to know about. It just goes on and on. The biggest difference between them is that Spaylin seems more seriously evangelunical than W ever was. I always had a feeling that W talked the talk to keep the evangelunical vote in line, but never gave a shit about walking the walk.

The national Basic Stupidity Rate (BSR) is calculated by simply averaging W's share of the popular vote in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. The national BSR is 49.28 percent, and BSRs can also be calculated on a state-by-state level. In Texas, the BSR is 60 percent, and in an asswipe state like Utah it's a whopping 69.9 percent. Ace and Sweet Pea are underperforming in any national poll that has them at less than 49 percent.

NOTE: A new national BSR will be computed after election day, reflecting the latest trends. My hunch is that Texas will still be at 60 or more. Around here, dumbass is a way of life.

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