Sunday, August 18, 2024

Please Just GFY Now, Okay?

Sunday updates re: Slobbo Assholini's latest stroke(s) of campaign genius:

He's recruited former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard to assist him with "debate preparation" he wants everyone to believe he's taking seriously. Tulsi is another pissy little runt desperately seeking professional opportunities by cuddling up with one of the three worst people alive. She advertises herself as the candidate who personally kept Kamala Harris from winning the (D) nomination in 2020. As we now know, this wasn't a career-ending defeat for MVP. 

Assholini is too damned stupid to realize that MVP will be waiting to body-slam him each time he tries to pull any stunt he learned from Tulsi Goober. Does he honestly think she won't be ready for him?

As if his Tulsi Goober partnership isn't ridiculous enough in itself, the Waste of Farts (W/F) is revealing his campaign strategy from now on will consist mostly of any brutal personal attacks he can come up with, especially those involving MVP's gender, her personality, her race, her intellect and her appearance.

Slobbo has been warned repeatedly that personal attacks on Kamala Harris will ultimately cost him more votes among women than he can afford to lose. The reason Assholini fails at everything he tries? Being a malignant narciss-sissy, he's required to believe he's vastly superior to the rest of us, so he consistently ignores or underestimates everyone who's smarter than him (probably about 92% of the world's population).

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.