Thursday, August 1, 2024

New Month, First Day

July ended with a frenzy of political activity, and August should provide even more excitement.

Donny Dung Beetle, with his hair dyed the color of piss or snot, had been shoved out of the media spotlight by MVP, and being ignored by TV news shows is an intolerable problem for him. Even rotten JD Vance has received more attention than the Dung Beetle. That apparently caused him to launch a stream of ugly racist statements since he'd rather be recognized as a fucking racist pig than cope with a TV blackout. On the plus side, his nastiness has been worth about $23,000,000 to MVP's campaign.

I'm fairly sure the irony in this matter is that being a rotten racist asshole won't win Dung Beetle more than a few votes because the dimwits who love it have already voted for his sorry ass in two elections. On the other hand, it might be worth thousands (or possibly a few million) votes for Kamala Harris.

Update 6:58 PM Thursday 8/1: Let's hear some applause for Joe Biden, MVP, and Vladimir Putin who worked together to make Donny Dung Beetle look like the total waste of shit we've always known he is. Putin apparently thinks it's a waste of time to wait for him.

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