Friday, November 24, 2023

Fridazed Freakshow

On the list of TOP TEN THINGS THE UNITED STATES ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT NEED, having a worthless religious lunatic like that piss ant MAGA Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House is in the top three.

MAGA Mike knows about depravity since he has plenty of depravity smeared all over his nose, lips and chin after being attached to Donny Covfefe's ass for over three years.

MAGA Maniacs like those in the Texas legislature believe requiring every public school classroom to display the ten commandments makes all the other horrible shit they do okay. 

Updated 6:31 PM: Final thought for Fridazed Freakshow: I've recently wasted several minutes of precious life reading some crap that Donald Thunderpussy puked up on his social media platform (or had somebody puke up for him). That stuff didn't read like the gloating of an overconfident egomaniac who's already taking early victory laps - the kind of stuff we typically get from that psychopath. So what gives? Hasn't he seen all those polls?

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