Thursday, July 21, 2022

Q NOTES # 858: Hearing Pending

Joe has tested positive for COVID, but is apparently experiencing mild symptoms. I guess that's a bad news, good news situation.

The next prime time extravaganza produced by the House Select J6 Committee will be on MSNBC in a few hours, and I expect to watch most of it. We've seen nearly all of the previous seven public hearings. Committee chairman Bennie Thompson is also on the positive COVID test roster.

Like all other Trumplickans, Kevin McCarthy is a waste of both shit and oxygen. He told Fox News (Hannity) that Americans would be more receptive to the fairness of the process if a bunch of Trumplickans were participating as committee members. Kevin is incapable of keeping up with what's happening: The people he'd want on the committee are subjects of the investigation, or should be.

Secret Service > destruction of evidence > criminal investigation. This trail of damage and debris that Huey Uranus left behind him is no mere coincidence.

All right, this is obviously not the ultimate solution to a serious problem with U.S.  presidential elections, but I'll concede it's an adequate first small step in the right direction. If it had been in effect in 2020, we might be better off today. Maybe.

Added 11:18 PM: After this presentation of the evidence, I'll start referring to the fat waste of shit as Dereliction Duhmp.

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