Thursday, July 28, 2022

Q NOTES # 865: Constant Crapola Continues

Crooks & Liars reports on Waste of Shit #1's latest attempt to intimidate the world around him. He's threatening a lawsuit against CNN for their repeated use of the term Big Lie when discussing his obsession with getting his ass kicked in 2020. According to his lawyers - deep in his warped mind, Huey Uranus actually believes all that ridiculous crap about stolen elections, so technically he can't be telling a big lie. This may be the platform for his defense after he commits perjury in future testimony in cases brought by the Department of Justice, the New York AG, or the Fulton County/Georgia DA. (He personally believes what he said, so legally, it must be the truth).

I used to have a dog with a disgusting habit. When I took him out for his walk, he couldn't pass another dog's droppings on the sidewalk without sniffing them, then maybe eating some. I had to yank on his leash to stop that sickening activity, and I began to think of him as my craphound. When I refer to Huey Uranus as craphound, that's the backstory: If Huey believes turds on the sidewalk are dessert, legally, they are.

On the topic of constant crapola, Hannjob over at Fox News claims that craphound is something like a superhero because he survived a more deadly strain of COVID than the one Joe dealt with this week. We're reminded again that Fox News is in the business of entertaining a few million of the most ignorant yahoos in America, and News has nothing to do with it.

Huey Uranus is prone to mood swings.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.