Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Q Notes, Day 100

This is the 100th day since I first started paying attention to news about COVID-19, then gradually introducing the recommended precautions into our daily lives. It took seeing empty shelves at the grocery store, and toilet paper selling for about a dollar a roll, to snap me to attention on the issue.

As we all know now, the COVID pandemic would've been a huge pain in the ass under the best possible circumstances. Unfortunately, the situation has been made much, much worse than it had to be because of the complete lack of responsible leadership at the national level, and ineffective leadership at the state level (at least in Texas and most of the red states).

And, as we also know, Donny 6200 sees the Microbes from Hell as a factor that jeopardizes his reelection prospects. He knows that every reported case of COVID-19 is costing him a few votes somewhere, and that comprehensive testing means more cases are identified and reported. Being lazy, ignorant and abysmally incompetent, he sees the solution to his problem as lowering the number of reported cases by reducing, if not totally eliminating, testing. He apparently believes, probably with justification, that the morons who are still loyal to him will buy the idea that COVID-19 has been conquered if the number of cases gets less media attention.

And Digby @ Hullabaloo tells us he's planning to choke off testing by cutting back the federal funding that makes it possible. Naturally, Texas will be one of the states this move will hurt. Donny 6200? Fuck him.

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