Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Starbucks Guy talks food

I'm almost positive there are a few American billionaires who have the intelligence, moral character, and relevant experience to make effective presidents. None of them have shown any interest in running for the office next year.

By the way, we eat a lot of Cheerios at my house, because it's a relatively low-calorie cereal that tastes good. I can tell you that the price varies a little from store to store. So yeah, I know the cost of Cheerios, but I'm not going to be elected next year, and neither is Starbucks Guy.  

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Odds and Ends, Sunday 27 January

The RNC has apparently decided their only hope for a win in the 2020 presidential election is making sure GOP voters are not given any choices. What they really like is the idea of Donny Jack Kak as permanent dictator.

On the other hand, Kamala Harris attracted a nice crowd in Oakland today. Right now, she's ahead of Bernie, Biden and Warren on my scorecard. Actually, Bernie isn't even on my scorecard, but that's another story.

Roger Stone, hauled off by the FBI before daybreak Friday, tells ABC News the charges in the indictments are as thin as piss on a rock. Roger Stone claims he didn't lie, things just slipped his mind. Roger Stone tells ABC News he's open to the idea of cooperating with the Special Counsel investigation. Roger Stone is nuttier than squirrel shit, making him a natural for Donny Jack Kak's circle of confidantes. In a perfectly just world, they'd both die in prison 24 hours before their scheduled release dates.

I have a feeling that Donny Jack's real estate negotiations with the Russians are going to be important in explaining why a Russian asset is sitting in the White House making crucial decisions that weaken the United States.

Donny Jack's butt boy Mulvaney is making TV appearances to let us know that Donny Jack is ready to shut the government down again in three weeks. That's no surprise, but I wonder: Will Senate Republicans roll over for him again so soon? We now know that shutting down airports gets their attention.

REMEMBER: Donald may be a borderline psychopath, but he's very predictable. He's had about 48 hours to watch TV news shows and see himself being ridiculed as a big poozie who got his manhood whacked off by Madam Speaker. There's no way he won't at least try to change that story line with tough talk from a hired hand. In the sump of his mind, Donald is transforming an obvious ass-whipping into another big win for him.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thanks, Russia. Thanks a lot.

Wilbur Ross makes America great again. These fucking people need to be secured with duct tape and rolled out of their offices on hand trucks, then loaded into cargo planes and flown to Russia to live in permanent exile. The names on the P.E. Shit List should include Donnie and Pence, all the Cabinet Secretaries, and every Republican in Congress (for starters).

Why Russia? Because Russia is the only place on earth they'll be welcome, even embraced as comrades. Donnie and his rotten followers will fit right in when they get to Moscow.

Added 9:23 PM: It isn't my original idea, but the best thing I saw on the Internet today was this: People who wear those red MAGA caps in public should be treated the same as if they were wearing red armbands with the swastika on them. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Public Opinions

Based on various opinion polls released lately, it seems like about 50 percent of American voters are satisfied that Donnie Phugtupp is a candidate for impeachment because he's committed a crime, or is a Russian asset, or both.

On the flip side, roughly 30 percent of voters will never believe Donnie has ever done anything wrong, or don't care if he did because he's chosen by god.

That leaves roughly 20 percent who don't want to believe any American president could be guilty of all the things Donnie's done, but aren't ruling out the possibility. This group can probably be persuaded by the findings of Robert Mueller's investigation.

Update 10:44 AM Wednesday: The latest Donnie weirdness is a clue that he's totally concentrating on his 30 percenters now. He's stopped trying to win back the 70 percent.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


If you take a large plate of fresh dog turds and cover them with yellow mustard and Cool Whip, it's called a Hamberder with Covfefe, and it's Donny Mushroom's favorite bedtime snack.

Added 11:32 PM Thursday: Order some more Hamberder with Covfefe for The Motherfucker. We need to have every IRS tax refund delayed for weeks, and most commercial airline flights grounded as a safety precaution. Americans are too damned comfortable, so some discomfort and inconvenience could make them face reality again. Therefore, The Motherfucker is sending thousands of federal workers back to their jobs with ZERO pay to keep the refund checks coming and the airplanes in the sky. Without the pain, there'll be no gain.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


The bad news is that Donny Nachos is planning to keep the government shut down for months, maybe years, even though he's been told the damage to the economy will be more significant than originally estimated. It's even possible the shutdown could lead to a recession.

The good news is that wrecking the economy is probably the only thing that might cause voters to throw these GOP motherfuckers out of office next year.

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Conways

We have to wonder, don't we? How long will it be until Kellyanne Conway gets the ultimatum: Divorce him or turn in your resignation.

The fact Donald has tolerated this so long is a hint that he fears what would come out if Kellyanne is cut loose and spills her guts to hubby. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The plot thickens?

Oh, shit. This can't be good news for Donald Dumpster, can it?

There's probably only one question you need to answer to figure this one out:

If Vladimir Putin had the President of the United States under his control, what kinds of things would he expect the President to do? 

Then write down which of those things Donald Dumpster has done since taking office, or is doing now.

Then, for good measure, take a close look at any suspicious behavior.

I've seen numerous reports online regarding Russian television broadcasts featuring open discussion of Donald's success in carrying out his assigned agenda in the United States. Usually I've written it off as Russian media trolling the US, but now I'm accepting the possibility that they're serious.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Idle contemplation

Last night, I dreamed that Donny Mushroom leaped from the top of a tall building and landed on Mitch McConnell. God, what a mess that made. Actually, it was a daydream.

The world makes sense as long as I remember that Republicans talking on television programs are lying at least 99 percent of the time, or 100 percent depending on the topic (or the Republican).

Donny Mushroom is comfortable when he can publicly present himself as the beloved star of a hit TV reality show. It pisses him off when he can't, like during last night's address from the Oval Office.

The only time Donny complains about the news media is when he can't control what's being said about him. Nearly everything he does is intended to manage the conversation about him on TV talk shows, with his ultimate goal being all praise, all the time.

I'm now positive the only people Donny cares about are (a) himself, (b) Ivanka, and (c) people he believes will definitely vote for him in 2020... in that order. The rest of us are totally insignificant in his alternate reality.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Impressive? No.

How does the has-been former TV reality show celebrity spend his time these days? Well, doing shit like this mostly. I think this is intended to scare Nancy and Chuck into surrendering.

And by the way, as long as he addresses them as Nancy and Chuck, they should address him as Donald. Let informality rule!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Total Crapola

Donnie Phugtupp isn't even bothering to pull stuff out of his butt anymore. He just bends over and here it comes.

These droppings arrived in the form of a Twit Tweet today:

"How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%? 

As I have stated many times, if the Democrats take over the House or Senate, there will be disruption to the Financial Markets. We won the Senate, they won the House. Things will settle down. They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!"  

By the way, someone who works in the White House needs to inform the ignorant motherfucker that referring to him as a motherfucker is not being disrespectful to the United States, only to him.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The GOP protection plan

Apparently, the Republican Party sees Donnie Phugtupp as one whose power and authority cannot be challenged or even questioned. That's a lot like a dictator, and it means that Republicans are Totally Phugtupp.

PS: Just a reminder that you can't spell TRash dUMP without TRUMP.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.