Monday, April 8, 2013

The people speak.

More total fucking bullshit from the Republican Party.

I was going through the personal papers of a recently deceased conservative Republican, and came across an envelope with John Boehner's name on it. I pulled out the contents and discovered the Ask America Nationwide Policy Survey. There was a four-page cover letter 'signed' by Boehner, which began as follows:

"Dear Friend,

You have been selected from a pool of 1,000 names submitted from your area to participate in a National Policy Survey called ASK AMERICA.

The Republican Party is conducting this nationwide grassroots project to help make sure that we continue to reflect the concerns and priorities of the American people."

Then there's a six-page questionnaire full of fucking crap like this:

Do you think the Obama administration is wrong in pursuing job-destroying regulations that lock away America's vast domestic oil and gas supplies? (Yes, No, or No Opinion)

And this:

Do you support Republican efforts to open up America's vast energy reserves to create jobs, address high gas prices, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil? (Same choices)

So the NRCC sends an obviously biased survey to a small hand-picked sample of Republican voters. That should produce exactly the response they want, so they can claim the American people are overwhelmingly in favor of the party's political agenda.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.