Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Etch A Sketch Blunder ?

It's an indication of how far into the dumper the GOP primaries have sunk that people are dithering over the Etch A Sketch gaffe.

Willard Romney is old enough that he probably decided to be a Republican back in the old days when most members of that party weren't as crazy as shithouse rats. His old man was a moderate Republican, if memory serves. George Romney was a little before my time in terms of my interest in politics.

Anyway, Willard is a Republican virtually from birth. His family has a ton of money, and Willard is ambitious, so why not run for president like the Old Man did ? The problem is, the Republican Party that Willard's dad represented no longer exists. It moved out to the trailer park and spends its time watching the 700 Club and NASCAR on TV.

Willard can't switch parties at this late date and will have to run as a Republican. To win the nomination, he'll need the support of a majority of GOP primary voters, and they're the craziest of the shithouse rats. To make it worse, every other Republican in the race except Huntsman is a prime example of everything that sucks about the modern GOP. The only way it could be worse would be if Palin was also running. To compete, Willard has to convince the trailer trash that he's at least as nutty as Perry, Bachmann, Newt and Santorum, if not nuttier.

I think the disgusting Romney we're seeing is the result of his pragmatic strategy to win the nomination, at least I hope it is. Nearly every presidential candidate I can recall has steered a relatively moderate course in the general election. Goldwater might be an exception, maybe a few others. Hell, even George W. called himself a compassionate conservative. So the aide who made the Etch A Sketch reference was probably just being honest, and I'm not treating the "gaffe" as a big deal. I think it's sad that Willard has to pretend to be a fucking asshole to win the nomination, but at least he's not REALLY a fucking asshole like Insantorum and Newter. That's my position until he proves I'm wrong.

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