Monday, January 30, 2012

Evangelunical bullshit

The leaders of the conservative evangelical movement are seeing the handwriting on the wall. All of their favorite candidates have had their asses kicked, and they've been turning their attention to Gingrene. Now he's on the verge of getting his pasty fat ass kicked, too. Slowly, the religious nuts are realizing that Mitt the Mormon will almost definitely be the GOP nominee, and very likely the next president as well. Now, after doing everything possible to disrespect him and discourage support for him, those motherfuckers are telling us that if Mitt wants the votes of the evangelunicals, he needs to push their agenda to the top of his priority list.

Total fucking bullshit.

If Mitt is going to win the White House, he'll do it by winning a vast majority of the independent swing voters in all the purple states, and a few blue ones. Meanwhile, the evangelunicals will be voting for him in droves, because (as previously noted), they hate that damned N even more than they hate Mormons.

Mitt needs to ignore the fucking ultimatums, and when he wins, he needs to focus on the country's problems and tell the evangelunicals to stick their demands where the sun never shines.

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