Thursday, January 26, 2012


Here's the way the dominoes have fallen and will hopefully continue to fall:

Sugar Cain was the first domino to go down, because he couldn't keep his pants or his mouth shut. Then Santorum surged in Iowa, immediately knocking out Bachmann and mortally wounding Perry. Gingrene surged in South Carolina, diminishing Santorum to irrelevance and waking Romney up.

Now we're in Florida, and Romney finally has a bug up his ass. Reinforced by the big-money GOP establishment, he seems to be massing fire on Gingrene. If Romney wins Florida and comes close to running the table in February, the Gingrene domino should tumble.

Then after the conventions, Obama is able to give Mittens a shove and the last domino falls. Obama, with no more elections in his future, concentrates on keeping the Republicans in the House and Senate walking in circles like the guy with one foot nailed to the floor.

And that's how the dominoes fall in my preferred scenario.

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