Monday, July 18, 2011

Rick in the news

I bought the local newspaper today because I had an urge to work the Monday NYT crossword puzzle (the only one that's easy to finish). Since I had shelled out the 50 cents, I started reading the news and came across an Associated Press article written by somebody named Tomlinson making the point that if Rick Perry enters the 2012 presidential race, he'd be one of the most conservative of the GOP candidates, maybe THE most.

To repeat myself, Perry is already running... he just hasn't made an official announcement. I figure it this way -- once he thinks he's got enough support to stroll to the nomination, he'll announce he's in the race. If things work out so that he fears an ass-kicking, he'll drop out of sight and pretend he wasn't interested in the first place. No way this fucking egomaniac wants to finish his career as a loser, and if he runs for president and doesn't make it all the way to the White House, he's a loser with a capital L. If he loses one-on-one to Obama, his political career is over, kaput, finis. The same holds true for any Republican who finishes second to that N.

The article went on to discuss all the glorious ways in which Perry is the poster boy for everything that sucks about American conservatism in the 21st century. There's no half-assed right-wing bullshit that Rick hasn't bought into. Something that sticks out is Perry's belief in intelligent design. That alone should disqualify him from further consideration for national office.

In another article I read online in the Austin American Statesman, Perrito implies he's hearing the voice of divine guidance, and that he's getting comfortable with the idea he's being "called" to serve as President, which is what America needs.

Sorry, Ricardo. American NEEDS gasoline at a buck ninety-nine per gallon, an unemployment rate under five percent, a few first-rate sitcoms on TV, and great discounts on BMWs and Audis. It DOESN'T need a cheesedick who denies the theory of evolution and makes George W. Bush look moderate by comparison. As we say in Texas, STFU and GFY.

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Summer walks in Texas

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My photo
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