Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lunatic Fringes

Last night, I decided to kill an hour watching Lawrence O'Donnell's show on MSNBC. One of the topics he covered was the pledge some hardcore rightwing group is trying to get all the GOP presidential candidates to sign, promising to honor their marriages and similar horseshit. An article in USA Today says that Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty have announced they won't be signing the pledge.

I almost feel sorry for Mormon Mitt. There was a time when people like him ran the Republican Party, and being a Republican didn't necessarily mean that you were crazier than a shithouse rat. Those days are fading fast -- the new GOP stars are flaming assholes like Bachmann, and to get any traction whatsoever, the Romneys and Pawlentys of the party have to lower themselves to her level. With that in mind, it's a little reassuring that Mitt and Tim have respectfully declined to sign the pledge.

Added 11:00 pm, Friday 15 July:

Okay, I gave Timmy Pawlenty too much credit too soon. My bad. Talking Points Memo reports on the level of desperation the Timster must be experiencing as he watches Crazy Eyes Bachmann suck the air out of his sails in Iowa. Default ? Okay, been there, done that. In Minnesota.

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My photo
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