Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Same old same old...

Each Monday the local fishwrap runs a sidebar on its editorial page called the Valley Tally (aka, How Your U.S. Lawmakers Voted). The Valley is represented in congress by four Republican members of the House and two Republican members of the Senate, so the votes are usually predictable.

For the week ending March 4th, all four House members voted NO on a proposed amendment to HR-662 that would have stripped the transportation bill of funding for the infamous Bridge To Nowhere in Alaska. People who have been paying attention will recall that during the 2008 presidential election, the Bridge To Nowhere became a symbol for out-of-control pork barrel spending by Congress. The kind of earmark that the Tea Party swore it would abolish forever. Yeah.

The same four GOP House members voted NO on a proposal by Democrats to suspend the oil depletion allowance and other big tax breaks for the energy industry. The price of gasoline is creeping upward toward four dollars per gallon at my neighborhood Exxon station, so I'm taking a dim view of any government subsidies that increase oil company profits -- not that what I think matters, you understand.

Same shit, different day.

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Summer walks in Texas

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My photo
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