Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gumming it

During the surgery to remove my remaining teeth, I was supposed to be knocked out, sedated, whatever. For some reason, I came to my senses right in the middle of the process, and had to endure the agony of teeth being pulled out when they didn't want to be. The good thing about it is that I may have survived the most painful experience I'll ever have. Or maybe not. I always try to look on the sunny side.

At any rate, the pain has pretty much subsided now. Every place a tooth was yanked, there's a socket surrounded by swollen gum tissue that's puffy and tender. The combination of holes and swelling produces an effect that is similar to having my mouth packed with small chunks of foam rubber.

Among things that I took for granted were the number of times I pronounced words by pressing my tongue against my lower teeth. It was just something I never gave much thought to until I couldn't do it any more.

If I had it all to do over again, knowing what I know now, I think I would've taken more steps to prolong the life of my teeth. Hindsight is always 20/20.

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