Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gummed up

Last night, for the first time in many, many years, I went to bed without a single tooth in my mouth. My old teeth were ugly to look at and gave me trouble now and then, but they were mine and I miss them. The surgery to remove them was as close to torture as I'll ever come, God willing, and now the inside of my mouth looks like a tiny bomb went off in there. Most of the pain was gone by late yesterday afternoon, but talking and eating have become a whole new experience. I hope this is the very worst part of the transition to dentures and that it'll be over in a few weeks or so, but who knows ? There should be a rule that life gets less complicated as you get older, but things just don't work that way.

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Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.