Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The salvage job on the Big Whatever is discussed here and summarized well. This has been a triumph for provincialism and self-delusion, and a loss for people like me who enjoy interesting college football. The elitists in Austin got their way again, held together a conference in which they have no serious competition other than OU now and then, and made more money off the deal to boot. The doormats like Iowa State, Kansas, TAMU and Baylor went along and deserve whatever they get as a result. The Southwest Conference outlived its usefulness and died fifteen years ago, only to be resurrected in slightly modified form yesterday, and now Texas and Oklahoma sit atop a conference that is roughly the equivalent of the Big East in terms of status. If there is any justice whatsoever, an 11-1 Texas team will soon find itself ranked well below other 11-1 teams from prestige conferences and will be ignored for national championship consideration as a result. Anyone who thinks it can't happen has no sense of college football history and never heard of Penn State.

Added 12:06 pm: Just saw a suggestion that the Big Whatever change its name to the Mack-Ten. I like it.

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