Monday, June 14, 2010

Another dumbass with a dream

Big XII will most likely not add any other Texas schools (already have Texas, A&M, TTU, Baylor) but probably will pursue other markets. I like to see XII add Florida State LSU, Arkansas, Alabama, Michigan, Ole Miss.

This piss-ignorant observation was posted as a comment on the Dallas Morning News story reporting that Texas U. was staying put. My question is this: Why would any of those six schools leave their Blue Chip conferences to join the Big 12 minus 2, also known as Texas and the Nine Pipsqueaks ? This has been a dark, dark day around my house after I got all jazzed up for something shiny and new. Fuck it.

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Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.