Thursday, May 6, 2010

To Tears

In January, Alabama beat Texas U in the BCS national championship game, which I believed was an omen that 2010 would be a very good year. So far it really isn't working out that way, though. Every time I open a newspaper or check the headlines on my laptop, I see a report on the goddamned Tea Party or Sarah Palin, who collectively dominate the Waste of Oxygen category these days. The latest controversy involves an immigration law passed by the Arizona legislature that seems to encourage racial profiling. I was profiled once by an organization known as Telecheck. Because I tried to write three checks at Half Price Books in a 48-hour period, Telecheck profiled me as a hot check artist and the store refused to accept my check as payment. Having been a profilee, and embarrassed and inconvenienced as a result, I wouldn't wish the experience on anyone. At least, not on anyone I like.

Democrats in Congress are putting together a bill in response to the Supreme Court decision that legalized the bribery of elected officials by labeling it "free speech." If the bill passes, CEOs and union bosses will be required to appear in the advertising they pay for to promote a political agenda or candidate. Republicans are stinking up the place with complaints, but as usual I disagree with them. If a corporation is willing to spend a few million bucks to ensure it gets favorable legislation and preferential treatment, the CEO should have the stones to stand tall and be recognized.

Ultimately, though, I haven't stayed on top of the news lately because my extended family has been getting a thorough refresher course in the importance of affordable health care. First, my daughter's husband had an eye removed to prevent the potential spread of an ocular melanoma. Shortly after, my middle grandson spent the better part of a week in the hospital for the surgical treatment of a rectal abcess (or cyst). As my bro sometimes says: Fuck me to tears.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.