Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kool-Aid Granny

I saw this picture at Wonkette, and decided I needed to save it. I don't know the backstory, but I have a feeling this old broad is NOT an Obama supporter. Another thing about this picture is the eerie resemblance of the granny lady to Michael Moore --- I may have to track down to get the full lowdown.

Added 3:32 pm, same day: I've spent as much time as I'm willing to waste trying to pin down the origins of Kool-Aid Granny, and all I can say with reasonable certainty is that the photo predates the November 2008 election --- meaning that although she fits the description of the typical GOP voter, Granny is not editorializing on Obama's health care proposals. More than likely, she's just pissing all over Kool-Aid as a beverage.

For what it's worth, I've examined Pathetic Geek Stories and found it to be most excellent. Highly recommended website. I wish I'd thought of it first.

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