Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back to the routine... with questions

The holiday season has come and gone, football season (such as it was) is over other than the Super Bowl, and the country has a new president. It feels like it's time for things to get back to normal, and that includes the routine of blog-writing.

I read something this morning that caused me to wonder: Will the United States ever have a black conservative Republican president ? Would enough liberals vote for a conservative to offset the number of Republicans who would refuse to vote for a black candidate ? Just something for me to ponder on a slow news day.

Senator John Cornyn, another Texas contribution to the pool of worthless bottomfeeders, made the news on Tuesday when he announced he'd block a voice vote on Hillary's nomination as Secretary of State. Then on Wednesday, the Senate vote to confirm her was 94-2, with Cornyn apparently among the 94 since he wasn't one of the two. Caroline Kennedy withdrew her candidacy for Hillary's vacant Senate seat. Most Repubs and some Dems attacked her as unprepared for the job, but when John Cornyn can be a Senator, how demanding can the requirements be ? Putting it another way, could Caroline be any worse than Cornyn ?

The nominee for Treasury, Timothy Geithner, is still trying to get confirmed, the delay resulting from his failure to pay all the income tax he owed. Is this guy the best Obama can do ? I'm waiting to see how many Republicans vote to confirm him; I'm assuming nearly all the Dems will. It would've been nice if Obama could've gotten underway with all the major players in his administration being above reproach, but that's not how things work in American politics. It seems like most of the people who are sufficiently ALPHA to be considered for top government jobs have decided to test the limits of the envelope somewhere along the way. The ambitious people are always willing to take a little risk; now and then they get caught.

The organized evangelunicals are working to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot in Wyoming to ban gay marriage. Think about it - how many homosexuals can there be in a shithole like Wyoming ? Is gay marriage really a serious problem out there ? Huh ?

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.