Thursday, January 25, 2024

Border Wars & Rebellion, Continued...

Republicans should eventually realize that MAGA needs them a lot more than they need him. When it finally happens, the maids will be cleaning blobs of Donny Diaperful off the walls after his head explodes.

What used to be one of two major political parties, representing the conservative political philosophy, has been twisted and deformed by a mental case into a mess representing nothing other than unlimited loyalty and devotion to a single psychopath. That should make it obvious that in the United States, the choice now boils down to Democratic or dictatorship. Since Iowa and New Hampshire voters demonstrated that nearly half of them prefer anybody else to the waste of shit, it should be interesting to see how voters react after the RNC bows before him and cancels primaries in the other 48 states. 

In the (only) two primaries, more than 40% of the votes in each state went to someone other than the waste of shit. Suppose that after he's anointed and the remaining states aren't allowed to vote for someone other than Diaperful, about 35 percent of (R) voters decide not to vote in November instead of voting for the guy they didn't want. 

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Summer walks in Texas

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My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.