Monday, December 11, 2023

Those "Sir" Stories

There's nothing about Donald Covfefe that can really be considered funny, unless you think leprosy is funny. However, Covfefe's so-called "Sir Stories" usually make me laugh because they prove he's a pathetic loser.

In the Sir Stories made up by Covfefe, he's approached in some public place by a grown man with tears in his eyes, who always addresses him as "Sir" before praising some aspect of his wonderfulness. This Wonkette article describes the latest Sir Story in which he's praised by an unnamed General for his awesome courage, and it's laughable because Covfefe desperately needs to be perceived as strong and heroic when he's actually a stinking coward. That's why I've started calling him Thunderpussy.

PS Tuesday 11:51 AM: Thunderpussy is now insisting that his dictatorship threats have just been his way of kidding around. He thinks everyone is as stupid as his MAGA morons are.

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