Friday, December 30, 2022

Q NOTES # K+20: Friday PM Comedy

Any time Dumold Pudd or any other prominent MAGA Monkeys are taking it up the posterior orifice, it's good for a laugh and makes my day a little better. The latest examples are as follows: 

  • Sean Hannity was finally forced to be truthful in a deposition, and he boldly admitted that he NEVER believed any of that horse shit about the 2020 election being stolen by fraudulent methods, not for one second. Now the other MAGA Monkeys are turning against his ass.
  • All those IRS income tax returns that Pudd desperately tried to conceal so long (at least six years worth, from 2015-2020) are now available to the public for casual examination. 
  • Speaking of Pudd, he's now threatening to run in 2024 as a third party candidate if he isn't the MAGA Monkey party's nominee. This is almost certainly more ridiculous bullshit meant to frighten people he needs more than they need him. Even so, it's something nice to think about: If Pudd siphoned off 25 percent of the MAGA Monkey vote, the only candidate who could win the election would be the Democrat.

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My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.