Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Donnie TrumScum has Booger Barr as his personal attorney, with taxpayers footing the bill. He was able to pull this off because the GOP Senate confirmed Barr with the knowledge he didn't give a fuck about the Attorney General position or the Department of Justice.

This morning, TrumScum announced he'll assert executive privilege to make sure no one but him will ever see the complete Mueller report. A two-year investigation of Donnie's participation in obstruction of justice and collusion with Russia to corrupt a presidential election, and now the criminal is the only one who can read the report on his crimes?

The people who designed this system apparently overestimated the ability of American citizens to choose elected officials wisely. When we finally clean up the current shitty mess, we need to make sure that future Republican presidents always face unified House and Senate Democratic majorities. The system is too fragile to work without the expected checks and balances.

The one (only) thing TrumScum does effectively is con the stupidest people in the world into admiring him. He has that scam down pat after years of practice.

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My photo
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