Friday, May 24, 2019

The sleaze never ends.

Most of us knew all along that there was a hell of a lot more behind Stink Eye's obsession with erecting a southern border wall than keeping Mexicans out. When trying to figure out what the fat fuck's really up to, just dig around until you find out whose pockets taxpayer dollars will end up in.

On the same subject (Stink Eye sleaze), Daily Kos has more about those multi-billion dollar bailouts to the farmers he's screwing, and where most of that money's going.

Sometimes I think I might be able to handle daily doses of Stink Eye if he was the only filthy Republican gutter trash we were forced to deal with. Sadly, he's rounded up a small army of worthless Republicans assholes and given all of them jobs in the executive branch, and there are another 250 or so in Congress propping him up.

PS @ 11:40 PM: If stupidity was a fatal disease, there wouldn't be many Stink Eye supporters left on earth, and the few who were would soon be gone as well.

PPS @ 12:17 AM: Now Donny wants to investigate people for the crime of investigating Donny's crimes? No shit? What an a-hole.

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Summer walks in Texas

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Six-Word Memoir

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My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.