Saturday, February 2, 2019

Slow News Day

There was no big Friday news dump yesterday, so today's story is about Democrats swarming like army ants over Ralph Northam, the governor of Virginia. A photograph, supposedly taken of him and another person about 35 years ago, shows a racist image. Naturally, Democrats are demanding his immediate resignation. Northam first apologized for participating in the stunt, but now says he doesn't think he's in the photo after all. Who knows?

Anyway, one reason there are more Republicans than Democrats in the Senate is that Democrats always demand their elected officials resign if anything pops up that suggests the official might have ever done something stupid that could be construed as racist or sexist.

Republicans, on the other hand, treat every seat they win in an election like it's treasure. Once a Republican wins an election, he probably won't resign over a felony he committed yesterday, and definitely not over some stupid shit he did 30-40 fucking years ago. And you can bet the rest of the GOP won't be swarming all over his ass about it.

Another topic on this slow news day is the independent presidential candidacy of the Starbucks guy. Schultz is in a tough spot. He's too Republican to run in the Democratic primary, but he's not Republican enough to make a blip on the radar in a primary race against Donald Wangdoodle. It wasn't long ago that Starbucks guy would've fit right in as a viable Republican on their debate stage. That would've been 2012, when Mitt Romney was still popular. The GOP that nominated Mittens ceased to exist in November 2016 when Republican voters finally got the kind of so-called precedent (sic) they had dreamed about for years: an ignorant racist asshole who tells them everything they love to hear, even when they know he's lying. Wangdoodle is now the standard by which Republicans are measured.

Schultz understands that to compete against Wangdoodle as a Republican, he'd be forced to swim around in the same shit that today's Republicans wallow in. Apparently that's entirely too much nastiness for a guy who made billions selling cups of boutique coffee for what a pair of shoes once cost.

Meanwhile, Donald Wangdoodle really doesn't want to listen to intelligence briefings, especially those that don't confirm his stupid opinions about the good guys versus the bad guys.

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