Tuesday, February 12, 2019


I spend some of my time reading about politics, and some of it writing down opinions about what I read. Every time I read about the insane corruption that Donald Wangdoodle is involved in that day, I always wonder what kind of people willingly devote themselves to that shit. I'm still working on theories, but so far, I've decided his followers will usually fall into one or the other of two categories.

Category One: Donnie Disciples. These are people who flock to Wangdoodle because they believe he was sent by god to turn the United States into a hardcore right-wing theocracy ruled by white advocates of Christian dominion. These people were totally fucked up by religion long before Wangdoodle came along. They were lining up to elect Rafael (Ted) Cruz until Wangdoodle promised them the same results with the added advantage of being a white man.

Category Two: Trump Turds. Crazies who aren't religious lunatics fall into this group. These are ignorant losers who slide out of Wangdoodle's asshole, then follow him around because his current TV reality show entertains them. They made millionaires out of Hannity and Limbaugh, but might have trouble locating states on a map, or naming three members of the Supreme Court.

There could be a third category, but it's probably small: die-hard Republicans who hate Democrats, and rationalize everything Wangdoodle does strictly out of party loyalty. These are the ones who should know better. They know it's a plate of shit crawling with maggots, but they eat it anyway. In Congress, Lindsey Graham is a perfect example of someone who gets assigned to this group, but there are many others.

Who's a Disciple? Who's a Turd?

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