Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The ??? about the ???

Last night while I was away from my laptop, the New York Times ran a story that claimed to include 40-50 questions the Mueller investigators planned to ask Donnie Ben Golphin if he agreed to an interview with them. It's not exactly clear who in the White House leaked the questions and why, but it's pretty clear that Donnie was behind it for twisted reasons of his own.

In other news, Digby @ Hullabaloo offers a discussion worth reading about the Tax Freedom for Billionaires legislation passed last year.

Updated 2:01 PM Wednesday: Fox News confirms that the Questions in question were actually prepared by one of the Donnie Uranus lawyers, slimeball Jay Sekulow, which means they weren't leaked by anyone connected with the Mueller investigation.

The key to understanding Donnie Uranus is realizing that he's still doing the one thing he's kind of good at, which is staging a TV reality show for the entertainment of the assholes in his audience (the people Hillary referred to as the deplorables). It's all show biz, folks.

Updated again 4:22 PM Wednesday: Hullabaloo explains the so-called "rationale" behind the Questions question, which seems to be mostly based on Donnie Uranus's habit of only believing things that mesh with what he already believes or wants to believe (e.g., polls that show he's popular, or that he's somehow winning). Since he can fill any high school gym to capacity with uneducated white assholes on any given Saturday night, and be adored like a movie star, Donnie's now locked himself in the safety of his imaginary kingdom.

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