Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Trumpettes again? Why?

Kos discusses the tendency of American news media to devote constant attention to the Trumpettes. I'll admit the first two or three stories I read about them were somewhat interesting, but mostly the stories just confirmed what I already believed. It's time to move on. Those assholes are irredeemable and aren't furnishing anything we need, so fuck 'em.

More about the hardcore Trumpettes, and why no intelligent person should give a shit about them or their fucking problems.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

News updates for the day after December 25th

In case anyone is wondering, Mike Huckabee is still an ignorant asshole. It's easy to see where his daughter gets it.

The enemies of the United States are feverishly trying to discredit Robert Mueller's investigation of Donnie Fat Bastard's bogus election. So far, the enemies we know about are Fox News, the Russians, and at least half of the Republican members of Congress. We have other enemies out there, but those are the ones attacking Mueller, which makes them our deadliest enemies in the world.

Last week, Congress decided to waste billions of dollars on generous tax cuts to Donnie Fat Bastard and people who have a lot more money than he has. We should offset Donnie's windfall by forcing him to repay the millions of dollars we're wasting on those goddamned trips to his golf resorts.

Most, if not all, of the officials in the so-called administration are keeping their activity hidden from the public. What are they hiding, and why? The house-cleaning can't begin soon enough.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Communicable Disease

Occasionally one of those worthless GOP freaks in Congress goes on a TV show and is so fucking preposterous that I wonder how he (or she) ever won a legitimate election. This guy, Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, is just one more Republican who actually believes everybody in the country is as stupid as the white trash in his district who elected him.

Someone needs to warn Kelly that he's been exposed to a contagious disease which is transmitted to anyone who kisses Donnie's ass, even for a moment. It causes brain rot, and there's no known cure for it.

Monday, December 18, 2017

In 2018...

Nasty Man and the rest of the Republicans in Washington are making it clear they just don't care about the majority of Americans anymore. Everything they've done during the last eleven months or so has been intended to please about 34 percent of the country: the 4 percent who are worth at least a few million, and the 30 percent who will follow Nasty Man anywhere he decides to take them. The other 66 percent of us can fuck off if we don't like it.

Since all of those Republicans (other than Nasty Man himself and some cabinet members) are professional politicians, the probable explanation for what they're doing is that
Meanwhile, the evidence just keeps piling up.

And we're getting another painful lesson about the danger in letting all the big decisions be made exclusively by worthless GOP assholes.

A reason to smile: Former Green Party nominee Jill Stein may soon be under the microscope of the Russia investigation. If the votes that went to her had gone to Hillary Clinton instead, we wouldn't be up to our necks in shit today. Knowing what we know now, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Russia was supporting her campaign.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Birds of a feather

Roy (Redneck) Moore and Nasty Man are both in their 70's and both are repulsive. Both ignore rules they don't like, and both have enormous egos that verge on psychopathic. Both have been accused of abusing females, but only Nasty Man bragged about it on tape. They have things in common.

Who votes for snot balls like them? The short answer to that question is, eight out of ten voters who claim to be evangelical or born-again Christians. In 2016, Nasty Man won roughly 81 percent of those voters, and this week Redneck Roy basically matched that level of support in the special election.

There's a pattern here, and it says a lot about the rotten condition of religion in the United States these days.Think about it. If it weren't for those conservative evangelical lunatics, we wouldn't be dealing with Nasty Man or Roy in the first place. And consider what life will be like if we ever have the sort of government those fools thought they were getting when they voted.

Update 1:35 PM Friday: Washington Monthly on a related topic.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Can we just end this already?

Well, that explains a lot about the level of mental instability among Nasty One's remaining supporters. Read Digby's post at Hullabaloo regarding the reaction of the rednecks at Trump's latest pep rally when the end of the world came up in the discussion.

Something tells me there's nothing to gain by trying to persuade people who are enthusiastic about that possibility.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Worst People on Earth

Of all the shitty people in The Nasty One's so-called administration, Betsy DeVos is definitely in the Top Five. Even worse, her war on public education is one of the shittiest things those assholes are trying to pull off. In the Top Three for sure.

While we're criticizing Betsy DeVos, her brother Erik Prince is even shittier. I hope he's convicted and sent to prison while I'm still around to enjoy it.

I can't remember any president, including Nixon and Bush 43, who I hated as much as I hate this motherfucker. It's like some demon from hell gave him a list of 10,000 things he could do that would piss me off, and he's devoted his entire first year to getting them all done, to the complete exclusion of everything else.

Sen. Susan Collins isn't close to being one of the worst people on earth, but she's willing to enable those who are (like Ryan and McConnell). Could anyone be as naive as Collins seems to be, or is she just putting on an act?

The Koch boys can pour dark money into right-wing political advertising, and write it off on their taxes. Your GOP Congress at work.

Speaking of the worst fucking people on earth, when and why was authority to make all the rules given to the Koch boys?

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Taking the High Road

Every time Republicans set a trap, Democrats eagerly walk straight into it.

Democrats are ready to give Al Franken the boot. Republicans are ready to give Redneck Roy a Senate seat, and Donny Doolittle a massive personal tax break. That explains why Republicans are in a position to run the country into the ground while Democrats are standing over there in the corner.

Franken should resign after an ethics investigation verifies the accusations against him, or when The Nasty One resigns, whichever comes first.

It would be wonderful if Honorably Doing the Right Thing was something voters always rewarded, but in reality, they almost never do.

Update 11:51 AM Thursday: Excellent follow-up on Democrats doing Republicans' work for them

Monday, December 4, 2017


Would somebody please shut this motherfucker up once and for all?

He even lies about lies about not lying.

It stands to reason that eventually we'd find out the NRA is mixed up in the successful covert effort by Russia to completely destabilize the United States government.

And Donnie's lawyer confirms that his client can't break the law because he IS the law.

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.