Thursday, November 30, 2017

Budget Cuts

It's hard to stomach the news these days, but I've decided that Congress should finance the Tax Freedom for Billionaires bill by just zeroing out the entire defense budget. Frankly, any country that allows itself to be completely taken over by stinking gutter crawlers like Donnie Dogfarts and the current Republican Party isn't worth protecting anymore. 

More about the forthcoming disaster from Digby. Imagine how dangerous Donnie Dogfarts will be after he gets his Big Win by signing the Tax Freedom for Billionaires bill, and all the nastiness included in it becomes the New American Way of Life.

Added 8:27 PM Friday: Here's the latest update from the Senate. I repeat, just zero out the entire DOD budget, and disarm all the existing nukes. That will prevent Deep Doo Doo Donnie from pitching a hissy fit and launching a first strike, and maybe North Korea will use their entire arsenal of ICBM's to take out Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky.

Added 1:01 PM Saturday: There's an informative piece @ Vox regarding the next step in the process of destroying the United States. The Tax Freedom for Billionaires bill now moves to conference committee, where the Senate and House versions still need to be reconciled

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My photo
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