Friday, November 3, 2017

Another week with Donnie Jerkinov

The Russian stooge (code name Donnie Jerkinov) is pissed off because he can't personally order the FBI and DOJ to investigate Hillary Clinton.

He doesn't need to fill the State Department vacancies, because he's actually the only one that matters.

When Donnie Jerkinov does choose someone to fill a position, it's always the worst possible person on the list.

Paul Krugman says Donnie Jerkinov isn't the biggest GOP con artist. You can probably guess who is.

Washington Post on that terrible GOP tax care for billionaires legislation. Jerkinov is just part of the problem.

Most of the congressional committees are a goddamned joke, since the villains show up, tell the committee members to go fuck themselves, then leave. Carter Page is the latest asshole to pull this stunt, and Beauregard has done it at least twice. My advice is to leave Carter for Robert Mueller to deal with. Then we'll see how cute he wants to get with somebody who can indict his ass.

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