Thursday, November 30, 2017

Budget Cuts

It's hard to stomach the news these days, but I've decided that Congress should finance the Tax Freedom for Billionaires bill by just zeroing out the entire defense budget. Frankly, any country that allows itself to be completely taken over by stinking gutter crawlers like Donnie Dogfarts and the current Republican Party isn't worth protecting anymore. 

More about the forthcoming disaster from Digby. Imagine how dangerous Donnie Dogfarts will be after he gets his Big Win by signing the Tax Freedom for Billionaires bill, and all the nastiness included in it becomes the New American Way of Life.

Added 8:27 PM Friday: Here's the latest update from the Senate. I repeat, just zero out the entire DOD budget, and disarm all the existing nukes. That will prevent Deep Doo Doo Donnie from pitching a hissy fit and launching a first strike, and maybe North Korea will use their entire arsenal of ICBM's to take out Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky.

Added 1:01 PM Saturday: There's an informative piece @ Vox regarding the next step in the process of destroying the United States. The Tax Freedom for Billionaires bill now moves to conference committee, where the Senate and House versions still need to be reconciled

Monday, November 27, 2017

Normalizing the abnormal

It's somewhat interesting that the New York Times, long considered a main pillar of the so-called liberal media, is now printing stories making American Nazis seem like your next-door neighbor who votes Republican. You know, like normal people. As a result, real, honest-to-god liberal media are exposing and criticizing the New York Times. I bring this up because I personally believe the mainstream media in this country are as responsible as the Russians for enabling a corrupt, incompetent sociopath like Donnie Dog's Ass to steal the 2016 election.

In addition to treating Donnie to billions of dollars worth of free publicity, the major media outlets largely ignored his psychotic behavior and suggested that, as a "successful" real estate tycoon, his experience qualified him to hold the most powerful elected office on the planet. As in "Maybe he's no better than Hillary Clinton, but he's definitely no worse either."

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Hands Off

Here's my official position until something happens to make me change it:

Senator Franken should not consider resigning before (A) Redneck Roy loses his Senate race, and (B) every single allegation of sexual misconduct against so-called precedent (sic) Donnie Doughnuts is being seriously and thoroughly investigated. At last count, I think there were about sixteen reported cases.

I've read and enjoyed several of Franken's books, and he's been a better Senator than I expected him to be when he announced his decision to get into politics. I'm surprised that he's accused of putting his hand where it doesn't belong, but every well-known man who's ever done it will apparently be under the media microscope sooner or later.

Here's the thing, though: I'm sick and goddamn tired of Democrats doing the honorable thing while a lazy degenerate steaming turd like Donnie Doughnuts gets a free ride and is never, ever held accountable: "Well, he said he didn't do it, so that ends it. Now get off the man's back."

Added 10:18 PM Thursday 23 November: More on this topic here

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Census Sense

The most important question we're dealing with for the next year: Can decent Americans get rid of Donnie Doolittle and his rotten criminal administration before they get rid of decent Americans?

Another interesting article from Washington Monthly, this time on the issue of politicizing the U.S. Census Bureau, why Donnie Doolittle wants to do that, and why it's a terrible idea if you're a decent American (someone who opposes Donnie).

Friday, November 17, 2017

Starr, etc.

Joe Conason is always writing things worth reading, and I recommend his piece on the need of some people to rehash the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal.

On a related note, one of the few highlights of 2016 for me was learning that pious bastard Kenneth Starr had gotten the axe as president at Baylor University, following his "management" of a sexual assault scandal there. There was also a tornado that same day, so the Starr firing was a small silver lining in a dark cloud for me.

Added 10:38 PM Sunday: More Joe Conason, this time concerning the attempt by Donnie Doughnuts and the GOP to use Hillary Clinton as a distraction.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

ICE on the loose

There's something about the idea of renegade right-wing law enforcement officers that just makes me uncomfortable. The ones at ICE are pissing and moaning about the few remaining restrictions they have to deal with.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Odds and Ends

If anyone wants to make a case against American superiority, the viewers of Fox News should be Exhibit 1A or 1B.

This is funny: Rafael (Ted) Cruz may be getting a primary challenge from the religious right.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

To Russia With Love

Donnie Lard Butt has reminded us where his true allegiance lies. You know, just in case we'd forgotten. 

Next to Putin, Donnie loves golf best.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Daily Kos: Steve Bannon and Fox News believe the best way for Republicans to win in 2018 will be to wrap themselves in the arms of Donnie Jerkinov.

Added 5:55 PM: A coalition of the decent? I really like the sound of that. Maybe we can build something along those lines.

His most recent shower was in 1992.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

First, elect 67 Senators.

I agree with Rep. Pelosi. Democrats need to develop an agenda that will win House seats for them next year, and the impeachment of Donnie Jerkinov is probably not an issue that will accomplish that objective. Motivating Donnie's fans to come out in force is a poor political strategy at a time when they might otherwise be feeling lethargic. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Another week with Donnie Jerkinov

The Russian stooge (code name Donnie Jerkinov) is pissed off because he can't personally order the FBI and DOJ to investigate Hillary Clinton.

He doesn't need to fill the State Department vacancies, because he's actually the only one that matters.

When Donnie Jerkinov does choose someone to fill a position, it's always the worst possible person on the list.

Paul Krugman says Donnie Jerkinov isn't the biggest GOP con artist. You can probably guess who is.

Washington Post on that terrible GOP tax care for billionaires legislation. Jerkinov is just part of the problem.

Most of the congressional committees are a goddamned joke, since the villains show up, tell the committee members to go fuck themselves, then leave. Carter Page is the latest asshole to pull this stunt, and Beauregard has done it at least twice. My advice is to leave Carter for Robert Mueller to deal with. Then we'll see how cute he wants to get with somebody who can indict his ass.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Cut Cut Cut Act? Yeah, really.

Apparently it will be a cold day in hell before the GOP realizes Donnie 10K is totally unqualified to play a president on TV, much less be the real thing.

Genius at work

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.