Friday, August 25, 2017

Split Vote

It pisses me off, but we can add Bernie Sanders voters to the list of reasons we're dealing with the consequences of having Donny Johnny as the so-called precedent (sic). The math shows that Hillary would have won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin if she'd gotten the votes in those three states that went to Jill Stein, or the Sanders votes that eventually went to Donny, or better yet, both.

I have to wonder what those Sanders fans were thinking, assuming they were. And I wonder if those votes could be won by any Democrat.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Weighing the options

It's almost impossible to imagine there are enough Republicans in the Senate who would join Democrats to remove Donnie Covfefe, even if the House impeached him. That's the bad news. The good news is that keeping Donnie around means that I won't have to think about all the ways that Mike Pence would be even worse than Donnie.

Thanks to the number of family members involved and all those goddamned vacations Donnie takes, the Secret Service is already broke. I'm in favor of making Donnie hire personal bodyguards out of his own pocket for at least the next 12 months, or just do without.

Even Republicans who occasionally show a few flickers of decency aren't much good over the long haul.

Tonight, Donnie is scheduled to read a prepared speech about his plans for the war in Afghanistan. If he reads the speech well, some talking heads on cable news shows will describe him as presidential. We've seen this routine several times already. It never lasts. Added 3:03 PM on Tuesday 22 August: I never watch Donnie on TV and didn't make an exception last night. I assume the speech was the usual Donnie misdirection play, designed to change the subject on the cable news shows and major newspaper front pages by telling his voters he has a great secret plan to win the war by defeating the terrorists.

We're lucky that senior administration officials are willing to tell reporters about crazy shit Donnie Covfefe does, or would do if they weren't around to stop him. We wouldn't have known he was an asshole otherwise.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


According to Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, there are dim bulbs in his state who worry that statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson might be demolished after statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are gone. Is this level of stupidity caused by too much corn in the diet? It makes me wonder where they get ideas like that.

From Sasse's Facebook page:
13. Every single place I've been this week, I've gotten a question like this: 
"Washington and Jefferson owned slaves; do we have to tear down their statues too?"
"Explorer X didn't treat native Americans the way he should have; do we abandon states west of the Appalachian Trail?"
"Even Tom Osborne isn't a saint; must we tear down the statute outside Lincoln's Memorial Stadium?" 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Yeah, he's cautious to a fault.

Copied from press conference transcript posted on Hullabaloo:
Reporter: Why did you wait so long to put that last statement out? 
Trump: I didn't wait long. I didn't wait long. I didn't wait long. 
Reporter: It was at least 48 hours. 
Trump: I wanted to make sure — unlike most politicians, that what I said was correct. Not make a quick statement. The statement I made on Saturday, the first statement, was a fine statement. But you don't make statements that direct unless you know the fact. It takes a little while to get the facts. 
Most of the things that come out of Donnie Covfefe's pie hole make me yell every cuss word I know (which is 99 percent of them). Sometimes, though, he says something so fucking ridiculous that profanity is pointless, and I just have to laugh. And yeah, if there's anything Donnie has established beyond a doubt, it's that he never makes an impulsive, non-factual statement, verbally or on Twitter.


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Personal Militia?

Only a goddamned fool would expect Donny Covfefe to denounce the Nazi / KKK / white supremacy activists who went violent in Charlottesville. Think about it. He looks at the situation and realizes there's a small force of armed lowlifes who are loyal and willing to kill people for him. And they don't even expect to be paid. If you're Donny, that's just what the doctor ordered, right?

Saturday, August 12, 2017


Remember when Donnie Covfefe issued that executive order authorizing the Keystone pipeline? It turns out that some of Donnie's executive orders are much like really nasty farts in a crowded elevator: unpleasant at the moment, but causing no immediate damage.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Losers of all kinds

Robert Jeffress is constantly saying stuff that results in a lot of black marks against conservative evangelical Christians. For every 10,000 black marks against evangelunatics, I'd say Jeffress is responsible for 9,999 of them.

Pat Robertson? Is he still alive? Add Paul Manafort to the list of things Pat doesn't know shit about.

You show me a white person who thinks of himself as an oppressed minority in the United States, and I'll show you a pathetic loser who needs to get off his ass and stop watching Fox News for a change. 

Whenever Donnie TRashdUMP gets nervous about things closing in on him, he says or does something outrageous to distract the media, take attention away from his problem, and get his fan club members all excited. This week, he used the suggestion of starting a nuclear war with North Korea, and sure enough, that's what everyone's talking about. The threat is so serious that TRashdUMP even cancelled his three-week golfing vacation... not really.

Digby has another update on the disturbing stupidity of so many of your typical TRashdUMPers. This time it concerns postponing the next presidential election if that's what Donnie wants.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Newsweek Cover

Years ago, before I had a computer and Internet access, I subscribed to weekly magazines like Time and Newsweek. I'd leaf through them, read the few things that looked interesting, then toss them in the recycle basket.

After I discovered I could get the news I wanted to read online for free (more or less), I let my magazine subscriptions lapse, and I doubt if I've looked at an issue of Newsweek in ten years or so. But I have to give them an A for this week's cover art.

That cover should provoke an avalanche of tweets from TRash dUMP. The cover article inside will too... if he reads it.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Every time Donny Turnip thinks he has a great scheme going, some judge kicks the slats out from under him. When's the fat fuck ever gonna catch a break, huh?

Summer walks in Texas

Judging by the amount of water on driveways and sidewalks and in the street, some Texans seem to think you can grow concrete and asphalt using lawn sprinklers.

Six-Word Memoir

Most of my balloons were popped.

The head butter

My photo
The less you know, the happier we'll both be.